
Quick Stats:

Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft Walking
Language: Common and Primordial
Abilities: Wis/Int/Cha +2 and +1 Constitution
Proficiencies: Depends on Type
Resistances: Element Chosen
Special: Magical resiliance, magical armor, and magical form


The Spellforged are a remarkable race, combining the resilience of Warforged with a base creation of elemental magic. Their bodies are humanoid-esc but formed with elements, crystals, runes, or other arcane based forms. With innate spellcasting abilities and a thirst for arcane knowledge, they navigate a path where magic and machinery intertwine, embracing their role as versatile adventurers and scholars, driven to unlock the mysteries of the arcane and shape their own destinies in a world of limitless possibilities.

Ability Score Increases

Your Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence scores increase by 2, and Constitution score increases by 1. 


You can speak, read and write Common and Primordial.

Creature Type

You are considered a construct.

Life Span

There is no known typical lifespan. Consult your DM for appropriate ages.

Height and Weight

Height ranges from 4ft - 6ft. Weight ranges from 80lbs - 350lbs.

Spellforged Traits

As a Spellforged, you have the following racial traits.

Creation Type

You may choose a creation type that influences your body type and innate magic.

The magic that bound you together grants you access to its elemental powers. You gain a resistance to that damage type, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.


Your body's base creation is that of leaking stone. You are made of a stone of your choice that slowly leaks a corrosive acid. This acid, if removed from you in anyway, will lose its potency after 5 minutes. The acid itself deals 1 damage when in contact with someone, unless you choose to control it. Typically, you have great control over it, unless experiencing intense emotion. This acid may be used on weapons to increase the damage. Adding acid to the weapon requires a bonus action and wears off the object after 5 rounds. The damage may be applied each weapon attack that hits.

You gain a resistance to acid, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, you gain magical spells associated to your creation type. 


Your body's base creation is that of molten stone or fire. You faintly glow for 10ft, granting disadvantage to stealth checks in darkness. This fire can be used to set small fires like a campfire, a candle, a fuse, or a torch as a bonus action. The fire itself deals 1 damage when in contact with someone, unless you choose to control it. Typically, you have great control over it, unless experiencing intense emotion. This fire may be used as a light source within 30ft for one hour per long rest, as long as not underwater, in the rain, or otherwise wet. While underwater, water lightly bubbles and boils around your form.

You gain a resistance to fire, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, you gain magical spells associated to your creation type. 


Your body's base creation is that of glacial ice or dry ice. Your presence causes shivers to run down the back of people around you with a constitution of less than 12. This can make it difficult to get close to people or can strike fear into someone's heart. The cold itself deals 1 damage when in contact with someone, unless you choose to control it. Typically, you have great control over it, unless experiencing intense emotion. This cold may be used to freeze up to a gallon of water over a minute.

You gain a resistance to cold, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, you gain magical spells associated to your creation type. 


Your body's base creation is that of celestial light or glowing glass. You brightly glow for 10ft, automatically failing stealth checks in darkness. You pulse with radiant energy at all times. The radiant itself deals 1 damage when in contact with someone, unless you choose to control it. Typically, you have great control over it, unless experiencing intense emotion. This radiant energy can be harnessed to dismiss magical darkness caused by effects of 2nd level or lower, once per long rest. Your radiant presence garners a +1 in charisma, except to "evil" beings.

You gain a resistance to radiant, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, you gain magical spells associated to your creation type. 


Your body's base creation is that of raw lightning or of metal shards conducting sparks. You dimly glow for 10ft, granting disadvantage to stealth checks in darkness. You pulse with lightning energy at all times. The lightning itself deals 1 damage when in contact with someone, unless you choose to control it. Typically, you have great control over it, unless experiencing intense emotion. This lightning energy can be channeled to downed allies to grant advantage on a medicine check. 

You gain a resistance to lightning, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, you gain magical spells associated to your creation type. 


Your body's base creation is that of decaying organic material or opaque fog (humanoid shape and form). You seemingly suck light from the areas around you, gaining advantage in stealth when in darkness. You pulse with necrotic energy at all times. The necrotic itself deals 1 damage when in contact with someone, unless you choose to control it. Typically, you have great control over it, unless experiencing intense emotion. This necrotic energy can be harnessed to drain the life energy of another creature by 1d8 and added to yourself as temporary HP as a bonus action twice per long rest. Your necrotic presence garners a -1 in charisma, except to "evil" beings.

You gain a resistance to necrotic, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, you gain magical spells associated to your creation type. 

Creature Type

You are a Construct.


Your size is Medium.


Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Magical Form

Your primary form is that of any medium sized humanoid, and you glow and pulse with clear magical energy that reflects your chosen elemental power. You can be humanoid looking with elemental effects, or you can lean into the full elemental form. You might radiate heat as a fire Spellforged, or crackle with a static energy as a Lightning one. You can also choose to subdue the effects, presenting yourself as a non-human humanoid. 

You gain the ability to manipulate your shape to take on that of any one medium sized beast of your choice twice per long rest as an action. This form lasts for 1 hour or until ended as a bonus action. This form can provide benefits, to the DM's discretion, following the guidelines below.

The size of the creature must be medium.
The creature cannot fly, swim, etc. unless you are otherwise able to do so.
The creature chosen must have useable hands to use weapons, spells, etc. ... you can choose to keep hands...
You may choose one of the following abilities to gain during each magical form:

Magical Resilience

You are a being born from chaotic magic given form, represented by the following benefits:

Magical Armor

Due to the volatile nature of your form, you are ill suited to wearing armor. Your powerful magical essence provides ample protection, however; it gives you a base AC of 16 (your Dexterity modifier doesn’t affect this number). You gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield’s bonus as normal.