College of Sirens

Subclass of: Bard

Bards of the College of Sirens are enchanted by the sea's vast mysteries, drawing upon its ancient melodies to weave magic that can captivate or doom. These bards embrace the ocean's call, mastering the art of the siren song to control the will of others, protect the seas, or lure the unwary into the depths. Upon joining this college, they gain the mystical ability to transform, adopting the guise of a siren with a tail for legs, granting them swift movement through water and the ability to breathe beneath the waves. Their Commanding Call allows them to bend others to their will with just their voice, using their innate charm and bardic inspiration to weaken their targets' defenses. As they grow in power, their Siren's Song spell becomes a potent tool in their arsenal, capable of ensnaring the minds of those who hear it, while their ability to Throw Voice lets them project their voice to deceive or distract. The pinnacle of their mastery, Vigorous Voice, amplifies the duration of their spells, making their enchantments as enduring as the sea itself. The College of Sirens bards are not just performers; they are the embodiment of the ocean's alluring and perilous nature, wielding its power with every note they play and every word they sing. 

Many a bard has been lured to the sea, the crash of the wave, the call of sea-faring birds, or the soft sounds of the deep echoing in their music. Some bards embrace the song of the sea, gaining abilities meant to lure others toward this source of beauty and power, or plunge their enemies to the depths. Such bards enter the College of Sirens, an elusive and mysterious conclave composed of bards that have learned the secret songs of the deep. These bards come in many varieties. Some might obtain this power to help protect the seas they so dearly love, others might join the College in hopes of drawing enemies off ships to their deaths in the treacherous waves, or simply to learn the strange and dark calls of the depths.

Mushroom Homebrew

Siren Shape

3rd-level College of the Sirens feature

When you join the College of Sirens, you gain the ability to take the shape of a siren-esk creature. As an action, you change the form of your lower body. Your legs meld into a tail (or vice versa), you lose your walking speed and gain a swimming speed of 30 feet (or vice versa), in addition, you gain the Amphibious trait and can breathe air and water.

Commanding Call

3rd-level College of the Sirens feature

You may use your alluring voice to cast the command spell a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier regaining all expended uses after you finish a long rest. This spell does not count against your number of known spells.

In addition, you can use one of your bardic inspiration uses to bestow disadvantage on your target’s Wisdom saving throw

Siren's Song

6th-level College of the Sirens feature

You can cast the siren song spell twice at 6th level, three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level, regaining all expended uses after you finish a long rest. This spell does not count against your number of known spells.

In addition, you can use one of your bardic inspiration uses to bestow disadvantage on your target’s Wisdom saving throws made to resist becoming effected by the spell, or remove its effects when you or your companions do anything harmful to it

Throw Voice

6th-level College of the Sirens feature

As a bonus action, you can use one use of your bardic inspiration to throw your voice. For the next 1 minute, at the beginning of each of your turns you can choose a point within 30 feet of you. The next time you speak or cast a spell with a verbal component, the sound of your voice issues from that point if you so choose. A creature can discern the true origin of the sound with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against your spell save DC.

Vigorous Voice

14th-level College of the Sirens feature

You have learned to use your powerful voice as both a weapon and tool. From now on, any Bard spells that you cast with a verbal component have their duration doubled. These spells cannot have a duration that exceeds 1 hour, but must have a duration of at least 1 minute.