Path of the Muscle Wizard

Subclass of: Barbarian

The Muscle Wizard Barbarian subclass merges brawn with arcane knowledge, using Strength as their spellcasting modifier and acquiring spells through thematic bundles. This unique subclass features Frenzied Incantations, which creates an illusory aura and enhances physical abilities, adding to the mystique of their magical combat. From Level 3, they get the "Muscle Magic" feature that allows them to cast spells and, as they level up, they choose spell bundles like Buff/Debuff, Defense, Offense, Social, and Utility to tailor their magical repertoire. Other standout abilities include "Magical Insite" for evading spells, "Rage Mage" to combine cantrips with melee attacks, "Magic Disruption" to nullify enemy magic, "Rage Caster" to maintain concentration while raging, "Enhanced Physicality" to add Strength to spell damage, and "Spell-deflecting Rage" for magical defenses. This subclass offers a rich blend of magical utility and physical power, all the while maintaining the Barbarian's raw energy.

As a person of "high intellect", you have learned to focus your rage into "magical abilities" which no one else can master like yourself. As a Muscle Wizard Barbarian, you are granted abilities that seemingly mirror real spells and magic as well as a small set of true magic spells. You use sheer brute strength to manipulate the weave into using magic, with Strength as your spellcasting modifier.

Subclass Features

3rd Level: Frenzied Incantations

3rd Level: Muscle Magic

You can use your Strength modifier for spellcasting. You gain a limited number of spells and cantrips that enhance your physical and combat abilities:

Spell List (Choose from the following):

6th Level: Rage Mage

Starting at 6th level, you can mix your "magic" in with your physical power. Whenever you use a cantrip on your turn, you can make a melee weapon attack as part of the cantrip.

10th Level: Magic Disruption

Starting at 10th level, your keen "mage" abilities allow you to disrupt the force of magic itself. When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against the caster. If you hit with the attack, the spell is wasted. You can use this feature once per rage.

14th Level: Enhanced Physicality

Starting at 14th level, spells you cast that deal damage can also add your Strength modifier to the damage.

18th Level: Spell-deflecting Rage

Starting at 18th level, while raging, your fervent belief in your magical abilities allows you to briefly tap into a mystical defense mechanism. When you are targeted by a spell that requires a saving throw, you can use your reaction to attempt to deflect the spell. Roll a d20 and add your Constitution modifier. If the total is equal to or higher than the spellcaster's spell save DC, you successfully deflect the spell, causing it to have no effect on you. You can use this feature once per rage.