
Weapons with a ℂ symbol are possibly cursed, but not always. Cursed effects are hidden until activated. Items without this identifier may also be cursed based on narrative situations.

Cursed determination may be based on narrative situations, or the standard method is the DM rolling to determine based on rarity. To be cursed, the highest result must be rolled on the corresponding die. Common: d20, Uncommon: d12, Rare: d8, Very Rare: d6, Legendary: d4, and Artifact: varies.

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Magic Item Sheet



You have a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

You gain proficiency with and can generate an Alchanon, a special ammunition weapon that shoots vials of potions within a range of 60 feet. This weapon has the reload property (3 shots per full potion) and a misfire modifier of 3. This weapon requires two hands to reload so you cannot have another weapon or shield in your off hand while reloading. You must be proficient with firearms to use this weapon.

You can fire one loaded potion for each of your action, bonus action, and/or opportunity attacks. The Alchanon's hit die modifier is 1d20+INT+PROF. If you choose to have the potion take effect immediately on the target, the potion vial shatters. Or you can choose to allow the target to catch the vial and cast the imbued spell once they drink the vial as a bonus action.

It’s up to you and your DM to decide whether a character has proficiency with a firearm. Characters in most D&D worlds wouldn’t have such proficiency. During their downtime, characters can use the training rules in the Player’s Handbook to acquire proficiency, assuming that they have enough ammunition to keep the weapons working while mastering their use.

Ancestral Axe


You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Tapping in to the spirit animal of your ancestors, this weapon grants you additional power based on your totemic attunement. Once per week after a long rest or when you gain a new barbarian level, you can choose one of your totems to align the weapon to and gain the bonus listed.

Bear: Furious Attacks. While raging, you deal an extra 2d6 damage on melee weapon attacks. The damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 6th level (2d6), and 14th level (3d6).

Eagle: Flyby. While raging, if you make a melee weapon attack against a target after Dashing, your target takes an extra 1d6 damage and you don't provoke opportunity attacks from them. The damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 6th level (2d6), and 14th level (3d6).

Elk: Charge. While raging, if you moves at least 15 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked 5 feet away. The damage increases by 1d6 and the distance pushed by 5 feet when you reach 6th level (2d6, 10 feet), and 14th level (3d6, 15 feet).

Tiger: Pounce. While raging, if you moves at least 15 feet straight toward a creature and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone. Additionally, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to prone targets. The damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 6th level (2d6), and 14th level (3d6).

Wolf: Pack Tactics. While raging, you have advantage on the first attack during your turn against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Additionally, you deal an extra 1d6 damage against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. The damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 6th level (2d6), and 14th level (3d6).

Proficiency with a greataxe allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Apprentice Staff (Transmutation)


Often used by students of wizardry learning spell craft, these staffs are commonly made and kept in institutes of learning. Each staff ties to one school of magic, and contains 2 beginner spells of that school.

This Transmutation staff has 2 charges to cast the spells jump and longstrider for one charge each, and regains both charges the following morning at dawn. 

Arcane Staff


This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to spell attack rolls. Proficiency with a quarterstaff allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Banana Split Greatclub 


This greatclub is made from a large banana split, with the three scoops of ice cream forming the head of the weapon and the banana halves forming the shaft. The banana split greatclub is incredibly sweet and fragrant, and the scoops of ice cream are surprisingly solid and durable.

Whenever the banana split greatclub strikes a creature, it deals an additional 1d4 cold damage from the frozen ice cream. In addition, any creature hit by the greatclub must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 round due to the overwhelming sweetness of the impact.

However, the banana split greatclub is quite unwieldy and difficult to swing effectively. The wielder must have a Strength score of at least 15 to use the greatclub, and the weapon has the heavy property, meaning that small or weak creatures may have difficulty wielding it.

Finally, due to the perishable nature of the banana split, the greatclub has a limited lifespan. After 24 hours, the banana split begins to spoil and lose its effectiveness as a weapon, and after 48 hours, it becomes completely useless.

Blink Dagger


This dagger is perfectly balanced and has a shining blue gem in the hilt. After spending an hour with this weapon a magical link is made between you and the weapon.

Use a bonus action to teleport this dagger to your hand. Proficiency with a dagger allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

When taking the attack action to throw the dagger, you may teleport the dagger back to your hand as a free action, allowing you to throw and retrieve in multiple times on one turn.

On a critical hit, the target is teleported with the dagger back to you and lands in a safe place 5ft from you.

Butterfly Greataxe


This +1 greataxe is designed to resemble a beautiful butterfly. The greataxe has advantage on attacks against plants and plant based creatures.

Once per long rest, this axe can release a pharamone to attract wildlife with a successful nature check.

Crystal Dragon Battleaxe


At first glance, the Crystal Dragon Battleaxe is a long slender battleaxe with a silver shaft and a soft leather grip. At the base of the grip is what appears to be a dragons claw clutching a diamond, worth 1,000gp. At the head of the battleaxe, there appears to be a naturally made crystal that has formed into a slender, but strong, axe blade. The blade itself is slightly transparent and shimmers in the light.

The axe, when attuned to, can be used 3 times a day to channel the divine power from Bahamut if the wielder is a Paladin or Cleric. This is a free action and the weapon instead does 2d10 + Constitution modifier damage each hit on that turn. If you can attack multiple times on a turn, each attack uses this damage. This weapon, when attuned, acts as the deity the paladin is aligned with, if they choose to accept.

You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Proficiency with a battleaxe allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. When attuned, ensure you have the related feat added to your character.

Crystaline Longsword


This +1 longsword is incredibly strong and sharp. It glows faintly, casting dim light within 5 feet. There are 7 smaller crystals jutting out on the sides of the sword. When landing a critical hit, one of the crystals explodes, tripiling damage instead of doubling. Once all 7 charges are expended, this item reverts to a normal +1 longsword.

Dragonshard Battleaxe


You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Obsidian Soul: A successful hit on a creature causes it to take an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.

You have advantage against dragons and their kin.

Proficiency with a battleaxe allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Draupnir Spear


This magical ring has the unique ability to duplicate itself. Due to some engineering from an advanced artificer, they transferred the duplication property to a spear that forms when attuned to the ring. If attuned to the ring, a duplicated spear will appear in your hand on command when trying to attack or throw with it. Without being attuned to the ring, your hand simply passes through the spear as if it were made of wind.

When used in melee, the spear has an addition 5ft. reach. When thrown, it can successfully stick itself to the location on a hit. On a miss the duplicated spear disappears. As a bonus action, one can choose to detonate all of the spears, up to 6 spears dealing 1d8 of force damage each.

As an action, using the power of the wind itself you can force all creatures in a 30 ft. cone to make strength saving throw, DC 16. On a failed save they are either knocked back or pulled in 10 ft. taking 1d8 force damage.

Elemental Scythe


Whenever the elemental scythe strikes a creature, it deals an additional 1d4 damage of the corresponding element. The wielder can choose to focus on either fire, ice, or lightning damage before making an attack.

In addition, the elemental scythe has a special property that allows the wielder to briefly channel the power of the elements. Once per day, the wielder can use an action to expend a charge and unleash a burst of elemental energy in a 20-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 damage of the corresponding element.

However, the elemental scythe is somewhat difficult to wield and requires great strength and skill to use effectively. The wielder must have a Strength score of at least 15 to use the scythe, and the weapon has the heavy property, meaning that small or weak creatures may have difficulty wielding it.

Exhaustive Shortsword

Very Rare

This shortsword is a +2 magic weapon. When landing a critical hit, the target gains one point of exhaustion.

Fathom's Glow


The wielder of this blade can breathe underwater, has dark vision, and can cast light from the sword.

Garden Variety Weapons (Set)


Each weapon is a +2 magic weapon. Each weapon can produce enough food of its type to feed 6 people for one meal or 2 people for a full day. Each weapon has advantage when attacking beasts that would eat this vegetable. Proficiency with this weapon allows you to add your proficiency bonus.

Weapons available: Carrot Dagger, Celery Maul, Beet Rapier, and Lettuce Shortsword

Gelatinous Hammer


More of a trophy than a weapon.

This hammer deals acid damage instead of the usual bludgeoning damage.

On a nat 1, roll a d6. On a 1, the hammer explodes in a pile of slime, coating all those nearby in acid (4d8 acid damage within 5ft). Make a Dexterity save, DC 8. On a success, you take half damage. On a failure, you must immediately use your reaction to clean off the acid. If you do not have a reaction left, you will take an additional 1d8 at the beginning of your next turn. On a success, you take half damage.

Gilded Pirate King's Rapier


You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The sword has 1d8 + 1 charges. If you score a critical hit against a creature that has fewer than 100 hit points, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be slain instantly as the sword tears its life force from its body (a construct or an undead is immune). The sword loses 1 charge if the creature is slain. When the sword has no charges remaining, it loses this property until blessed by a guardian of souls again.

Proficiency with a rapier allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Harmonic Shortsword


You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon critical hits on a 19 or 20.

Sonic Empowerment: Once per turn, when you hit a creature with the Harmonic Shortsword, you can choose to expend a bardic inspiration die to deal additional sonic damage equal to the value of the die rolled. This damage is not doubled on a critical hit.

Melodic Defense: When wielding the Harmonic Shortsword, you can use your reaction to expend a bardic inspiration die to gain a bonus to your AC equal to the value of the die rolled until the end of your next turn.

Resonant Echoes: When you take the Attack action with the Harmonic Shortsword, you can choose to expend a bardic inspiration die to create a sonic shockwave that hits all creatures within 5 feet of you. These creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to your spell save DC) or take the same amount of sonic damage as the weapon's normal damage. This damage is not doubled on a critical hit.

The Harmonic Shortsword is a magical weapon that resonates with the musical abilities of bards. It is a short sword that glimmers with a metallic sheen and produces a faint humming sound when drawn from its scabbard. When wielded by a bard, the Harmonic Shortsword becomes a powerful weapon that can deal devastating sonic damage to its foes.

In addition to its sonic damage, the Harmonic Shortsword has several special abilities that allow bards to enhance their combat abilities. With Sonic Empowerment, the bard can expend a bardic inspiration die to deal additional sonic damage on a hit, making each strike with the weapon more deadly. Melodic Defense allows the bard to use the weapon to protect themselves, gaining a bonus to their AC when needed. Finally, Resonant Echoes lets the bard create a shockwave of sound that hits multiple enemies at once, dealing damage to all those within range.

Hell's Rebellion


This is my kind of rain.

All attacks made with this weapon deal an extra 2d10 fire damage to its target. Attacks made with this weapon that miss create a circle of lava with a 5 foot radius in a random spot 15 feet away from the wielder. On a critical miss, the pool appears at your feet. Any creature that moves through or stands in the pool takes 3d6 fire damage and have their speed halved.

Hell Rider ℂ 


This greatsword may be lit on fire to deal an extra 1d4 fire damage per attack.

Additionally, as a bonus action, you may summon a lesser demon from hell to fight alongside you once per long rest. 

If you know the true name of a lesser demon, you may attempt to summon them specifically with a DC 13 luck check.

Horizon's End ℂ 


This shortsword is a +1 weapon.

While wielding this blade, anyone within a 30-foot radius must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or get pulled into melee range. When a creature is pulled this way, you may immediately use your reaction to attack them.

Jetsam Gnasher


Bottom of the sea, top of the food chain.

Attacks made with this weapon have advantage against creatures with less than half their hit points. 

Judgment Sword ℂ 


You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

When the weapon attacks someone it considers to be evil, it deals an additional 5 radiant damage. This effect can take place five times per long rest. To recharge the weapon, cry tears of remorse onto the blade. If the wielder is deemed evil, it deals the damage 5 fold onto the wielder.

Proficiency with a shortsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Longsword of Sacrifice


You have a +3 bonus to attack rolls made with this magic weapon. Damage has no modifier of any kind. Damage is controlled strictly by how much HP you are willing to sacrifice each turn. Sacrificing certain amounts will grant additional bonuses. Temporary HP can be used in the sacrifice. Damage taken from sacrifice can be mitigated, but the damage done by the blade will only ever equal the amount of hp you lost. Half the damage taken from other sources in this one turn can stack with the damage you sacrifice.

Example: You are at 84 hp. You sacrifice 15 hp, making your hp 69 (nice). You now deal 15 damage for every attack until your next turn. So if you attack twice and both hit, they both deal 15 damage.

Example 2: You have taken 32 damage since your last turn. You may sacrifice more, or you may take half of the damage taken as your damage amount. Dealing an additional 4 sacrifice damage, you now have a sacrificed score of 20 for this round, granting the special effect for 20hp.

Special effects for damage on one turn (in addition to established damage):

Dealing 20 hp or more allows you to ignore disadvantage.

Dealing 30 hp or more grants a guaranteed advantage.

Dealing 40 hp or more allows you to ignore resistance.

Dealing 50 hp or more reduces immunity down to resistance.

Dealing 60 hp or more ignores AC.

Dealing all of your max hp critical hits, but when your turn ends, you take 6 points of exhaustion, dying immediately, regardless of temp hp.

Being reduced to 0 hp due to a sacrifice, will inflict 1 point of exhaustion, except for the max hp effect, that grants 6.

Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Longsword of Sorrow


The mother of monsters has been to Hel and back.

When taking the attack action with this weapon, all fiends within a 20-foot radius must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or begin uncontrollably crying. They suffer from the blinded status. This throw can occur once per turn.

At the end of the creatures turn, they may use a free action to resolve and stop crying.

Manchineel Sap Blade


This scimitar is a +2 weapon.

For each successful attack, the blade drips with toxic sap that deals 1d4 poison damage. The blade stores enough for 10 applications per day, reset on a long rest.

Mimic Mockery ℂ 


This shortsword is a +2 weapon.

While this blade is not being wielded, it can take the form of any non-magical inanimate object smaller than a 2'x2' and larger than a 4"x4".

On an attack that beats the target's AC by 8 or more, you may use a bonus action to grapple the creature. You have advantage on the contested strength throw.

This sword must eat a tiny living creature once every other day in order to stay subservient. On a failed feeding, the sword may attack its wielder.

Moonshadow Rod


While holding this rod, you gain a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your warlock spells.

In addition, you can regain 1 warlock spell slot as an action while holding the rod. You can’t use this property again until you finish a long rest.

Dark Pact: When you hit a creature with a spell while wielding the Moonshadow Rod, you can choose to expend a spell slot to deal an additional d8 necrotic damage. This effect does not double on a critical hit.

Shadow Cloak: As an action, you can speak the command word to activate the Moonshadow Rod's Shadow Cloak ability. This grants you the benefits of the Blur spell for up to 1 minute. If you take damage, roll a Constitution saving throw. The save dc is equal to either half the damage taken or 10 + half the damage taken, which ever is higher. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Shadowy Strike: When you take the Attack action with the Moonshadow Rod, you can choose to expend a spell slot to summon a shadowy duplicate of yourself to strike the target as well. This duplicate makes a melee attack against the target with the same attack bonus and damage as you, dealing an additional 2d8 necrotic damage. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

The Moonshadow Rod is a magical weapon made for warlocks, crafted from yew wood and featuring a crescent moon rock on its end. The rod is imbued with dark powers that allow the warlock to tap into the shadows to enhance their combat abilities.

Reaper Scythe


This item can only be obtained by someone who has either slain an avatar of death or a warlock pact with an applicable god of death after a significant event, to the DMs discretion.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This scythe deals slashing damage equal to 2d10 + your Strength modifier.

Curse of Death: Whenever a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack made with this weapon, they die instantly and cannot be brought back to life by any means short of a wish spell.

Harvester of Souls: As a bonus action, you can expend a charge to cast the spell "Circle of Death" (DC 20) from the scythe. The scythe regains 1 charge at dawn. Maximum 3 charges.

Grim Harvest: Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt.

Death's Shadow: Once per day, as an action, you can summon a shadowy version of yourself wielding this weapon that lasts for 1 minute. While the shadow is present, you gain a fly speed of 60 feet and resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, all attacks made by the shadowy version of yourself deal an extra 2d10 necrotic damage. If your shadow self wields this weapon, you cannot.

Death's Hold: Whenever you hit a creature with this weapon, you can choose to grapple them instead of dealing damage. If you do, the target is restrained, and they take 2d10 necrotic damage at the start of each of their turns. The target can make a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to escape the grapple.

Retribution Rapier


This rapier is a +1 magic weapon. If the wielder is slain, they may continue fighting, until all their death saves are expended. All attacks made against the creature that dealt the killing blow are made with advantage. If healed out of death saves, the attacks are no longer at advantage and you receive a point of exhaustion for every failed death save.

Revolver of Wonder


This revolver has 12 chambers, each holding one charge. Additionally, this gun comes with a bag that resets the bullets after each long rest. Each day roll a d2 to determine which bag of bullets is produced. Other bags may be able to be crafted. See bottom for more information.

1 Blue Bang Bang

2 Red Ruh Roh

While holding the gun in your hand, you can determine the next spell that will fire from the gun, so you have knowledge of what it will do. Roll d18 and consult the following table to discover what happens. You may take an action to spin the chamber to attempt to ready a different spell. While holding it, you can use an action to fire 1 of its charges and choose a target within 120ft. The target can be a creature, an object, or a point in space. 

Firing a shot from this revolver acts as casting a spell so you will be unable to cast another spell. It does however not require a spell slot.

If the effect causes you to cast a spell from the gun, the spell's save DC is 15 always and is not impacted by any other effects. If the spell normally has a range expressed in feet, its range becomes 120 feet if it isn't already (even for touch spells). If an effect covers an area, you must center the spell on and include the target. If an effect has multiple possible subjects, you may choose the first one to focus fire, and the remaining shots will hit the next closest enemies to the DM's digression.

The gun regains all charges daily at dawn and any remaining shots turn to dust. If you expend all shots for the day, roll a d20. On a 1, the gun jams and need to be repaired, costing about 50gp in materials and at least a short rest.

Special bullets can be made and randomly added to a bag, increasing how many bullets are available in that bag. To make bullets, roll a Magic Craftsman check while in possession of a spell scroll. The DC is set by the type of spell and level. (Magic Craftsman is a special ability roll specific to your character). Roll tables available in DnD Beyond.

Seraph's Gaze


Sight is not always a blessing.

While attuned to this weapon, the wielder can expend any spell slot to cast True Seeing on themselves. If you are a non-caster, you may use one free charge, reset on a long rest.

Shadow Star Dagger


Shroud yourself in the shadow of the sun.

While attuned to and wielding this weapon, the wielder is invisible under direct moonlight. While under this effect, all attacks made with this weapon under direct moonlight are at advantage as long as the creature does not have true or blind sight.

Shatter Light Longsword


This longsword is made from the shards of a shattered mirror, each piece razor sharp and reflecting the light in a dazzling display. The mirror shard sword is incredibly effective at deflecting attacks and can also be used to deliver devastating slashes that can cut through armor.

Whenever the mirror shard sword strikes a creature, it deals an additional 1d4 radiant damage from the reflected light. In addition, the wielder can use a bonus action to hold the sword up to their face and use it to deflect incoming ranged attacks. The wielder gains a +2 bonus to their AC against ranged attacks until the start of their next turn.

You may use mirrors in a similar manner to Tree Stride.


Very Rare

The Smokeshow is a +2 variable weapon and is fully upgradeable. All damage acts as +2 magical damage. The handle is attached to an incense holder that contains 4 chambers. Each chamber can hold a separate incense that can be lit using a match and extinguished by closing the vent. Only one incense may be lit at a time as opening a vent closes all others. Different types of incense create different effects. Each incense can burn for a total of 1 hour and can be lit and extinguished to control the time used. Incense will need to be purchased as it is destroyed once the time is elapsed fully. The weapons cannot be thrown without throwing the entire weapon. 

You must be attuned to this weapon to add the modifiers and proficiency bonuses. While attuned, you may use all weapon types from this weapon without proficiency in that weapon as if you did.

Amber Dagger 1d4+2+DEX+Prof  piercing
Balsam Whip 1d4+2+DEX+Prof slashing and reach
Costus Root Shortsword 1d6+2+DEX+Prof slashing
Kyphi Handaxe 1d6+2+DEX+Prof slashing
White Copal Greatclub 1d8+2+STR+Prof bludgeoning
Sandarac Longsword 1d8+2+STR+Prof slashing
Palo Santo Wood Glaive 1d10+2+STR+Prof slashing, two-handed, and reach
Luban Jawi Greataxe 1d12+2+STR+Prof slashing and two-handed
Treant Agarwood Maul 2d6+2+STR+Prof bludgeoning two-handed

Spoopy Flail


The jack-o'-lantern's eerie grin is carved into the front of the pumpkin, and its eyes and mouth flicker with an eerie, orange light.

When the jack-o'-lantern flail strikes a creature, it emits a spooky cackle that can be heard up to 30 feet away. In addition, the flail has a special property that allows it to deal extra damage to undead creatures. Whenever the flail strikes an undead creature, it deals an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.

However, the jack-o'-lantern flail is somewhat fragile and may break if used too forcefully. Whenever the wielder rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with the flail, the pumpkin shell takes 1 point of damage and loses its bonus damage against undead until it is repaired. The flail can be repaired by a skilled artisan or anyone proficient in the Nature skill who is able to find a replacement pumpkin shell.

Staff of the Four Seasons

Very Rare

This magical staff changes with the seasons. You can spend 10 minutes concentrating on the staff to change it to a different season. It remains in this new form for the next 8 hours before reverting to the current season again.

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. In addition, your melee attacks with the staff deal an extra 1d8 cold (Winter), radiant (Spring), fire (Summer), or necrotic (Autumn) damage based on its season as long as there is at least 1 charge remaining on the staff.

This staff has 10 charges. While holding the staff, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it (depending on its season) using your spell attack modifier and spell save DC:

Winter. Color Spray (1 charge), Darkvision (2 charges), Sleet Storm (3 charges)

Spring. Guiding Bolt (1 charge), Moonbeam (2 charges), Plant Growth (3 charges)

Summer. Burning hands (1 charge), Spike Growth (2 charges), Fireball (3 charges)

Autumn. Inflict Wounds (1 charge), Pass Without Trace (2 charges), Vampiric Touch (3 charges)

This staff regains 1d6+4  charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff withers and becomes a non-magical quarterstaff.

Proficiency with a quarterstaff allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Starfall Bow


If you aim at the moon, you might hit a few stars.

After a successful attack from this bow, the arrow ricochets from the target. Make another attack roll against a new target with -1 to the roll. The arrow continues to ricochet as long as the attacks are successful. The -1 modifier stacks for each consecutive hit. Feats such as sharpshooters increase all subsequent shots.

Sunshield Rapier


This +2 shield can be collapsed into a +2 rapier or expanded again as a bonus action. While as a shield, add +2 to your AC - which can stack with another shield in your off-hand. While as a rapier, add +2 to attack and damage rolls. This weapon is considered inconspicuous and may not be considered a weapon by those who have not seen it used in that manner before. 

Additionally, when attacking with this weapon as the first move before initiative is called, the target must make a DC15 wisdom save, or be surprised by the weapon, granting a surprise round for the wielder - on the condition the attack action is taken immediately.

This item is classed as a rapier for DnD mechanics and adds +2 to your AC and NOT +4 like a +2 shield would. 

Thunder Caller


This +2 scimitar deals lightning damage instead of slashing damage. Additionally, each attack that lands with this weapon gives the target 1 charge. As a bonus action, you may detonate all charges on a creature dealing 1d4 thunder damage for each charge. Charges stay on a target for 3 minutes and can be detonated even if the creature cannot be seen, as long as they are still on the same plane of existence. Maximum 20 charges per target.

Twin Hook Swords


These Twin Hook Swords are wielded in both hands and act as dual-wielding shortswords.

As a bonus action, the wielder may link blades, doubling the range and adding 1d8 force damage to all damage rolls. This effect lasts until the wielder misses or stops attacking. If the effect ends due to missing, one blade is thrown 30 feet away from the wielder.

Violent Warhammer


The violent warhammer is a savagely made obsidian hammer with a yew handle. The hammer is crafted to have as much weight as possible on the end without snapping the lighter handle. It is far from balanced and small creatures will be unable to lift it from the handle and will instead have to lift it by the head. Unusable as a weapon by small or smaller creatures.

You have a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

Hammer Fist: As a bonus action, you can drop your hammer higher in your grip and sucker punch with the head of the hammer as a bonus action. On a hit, it deals 1d8 + your STR modifier and the target must make a Strength saving throw or be dazed for a round, costing their bonus action and reaction.

Proficiency with a greataxe allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Viper Kusarigama


This dagger is crafted to look like the fang of a deadly viper, with its handle designed to resemble the snake's body. Despite its small size, the viper fang dagger is a dangerous weapon that can deliver deadly strikes.

Whenever the viper fang dagger strikes a creature, it deals an additional 1d6 poison damage from the venom on the blade. In addition, the wielder can use a bonus action to mimic the hissing of a snake, intimidating their opponents and gaining advantage on their next attack.

The viper fang dagger has a special property that allows the wielder to poison their opponents. Once per short rest, the wielder can use an action to coat the dagger in venom, allowing it to deal an extra 2d6 poison damage on the next attack.

Wand of Twin Spells

Very Rare

The Wand of Twin Spell has four charges, which can be used to cast spells with the Twin Spell metamagic option. When you cast a spell using the Wand of Twin Spell, it affects two targets instead of one, but requires the spell slot of one level higher than the spell's actual level. Damage for separate spells are rolled just once, not per target. Maximum 4 charges may be stored.

Charge Cost:

Single Target Spell: 1 Charge

Multiple Target Spell: 2 Charges

AOE Target Spell: 3 Charges

Spell slots used are always one or more spell levels above the spell cast. Example: Casting Fireball at 3rd level will use up 3 charges for the day and a 4th level spell slot.

The Wand of Twin Spell regains 1d4 charges at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles to dust and is destroyed.

Water Whip Rapier


This rapier is made from a swirling, undulating whip of water that can be coiled and uncoiled at the wielder's command. The water whip rapier is incredibly sharp and fluid, and it can be used to deliver quick, precise strikes that can pierce through armor.

Whenever the water whip rapier strikes a creature, it deals an additional 1d4 cold damage from the frigid water. In addition, the wielder can use a bonus action to uncoil the water whip and make a melee attack with reach up to 10 feet.

Weather Spear +1


You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

This spear has a magical effect tied to the weather.

Clear Skies: No effect

Light Clouds: When thrown, plus 2 for attack to hit.

Rain: 1d4 cold damage.

High Winds: 1d4 force damage and a strength saving throw dc 10 or be pushed back 5 feet. Maximum one activation per turn for both effects. 

Thunderstorm: 1d8 thunder damage.

Scorching Heat: 1d6 fire damage.

Strange Phenom: DM Rolls from a possible damage table based on type.

To learn what effects it has, you must have used that effect.

White Dragon-Tooth Spear

Very Rare

A dual-ended spear fashioned from the teeth of a dragon. while the blades are obviously a fang or predators tooth, the handle is leather wrapped around the roots of the teeth and a sturdy steel rod.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this magic weapon. On a hit with this weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 piercing damage and 1d6 Cold damage.

As a bonus action, you can strike with the opposite end of the staff for an extra attack. 

Proficiency with a spear allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.